Wednesday 25 January 2012

A day in the life of a "Queen Bee" in Biatches Boutique

Have you ever wondered what is going on at night in a boutique..

On the display table is “Queen Bee” exposed in all her glory. Her surroundings are perfect, perfect for a perfect garment. The lights are not too harsh; it’s soft to make her look even better - if it is even possible. She is surrounded by all things fit for a queen .A delicate orchid display, a dainty glass tray with a selection of Ice tea and carafes of mint and lemon water for those to enjoy while desiring the creation on display.
She is being admired by everybody, the skinny ones and the not so skinny ones. She is like a moth drawn to the flickering light of a candle.
They all want to hold her against their skins, look at themselves in the big mirror holding her in front of them as if they want to hide behind her; they all want to own her.

“Queen Bee” is use to this attention; actually she demands it like a real Diva. She is capable of pulling a Paris or Britney – you know, appearing without underwear to get attention. I said, capable….. not that she will do it, she has too much class for that.
“Queen Bee” with her ivory colour beaded fabric the same colour as real Champaign, not the J.C Le Roux’s of the world. We don’t have anything against J.C. Le Roux, actually that is being served in the boutique as it tastes wonderful and is priced right, but “Queen Bee” is a MOET.
As I was saying, she makes every outfit hanging on their little hangers waiting to be noticed, feel as if they are not worthy to be in the same room. However….it is not her doing, she is not “Bitchy”, OH NO. She is a BIATCH, in other words a nice bitch. She never looks down at the other garments, she is the one that give the pep talks when some outfits never get noticed, she is the one that will crack a joke when they are all alone and break the silence and make them giggle.
You see it is us. We are the “other” outfits that feel inferior, it is our own issues, our own stuff our own hang ups. We know each and every garment has its owner but we all want to be like “Queen Bee” - desired by all.
It was during these late afternoons and quiet times when the “I Feel Fat” purple and black dress gave a big sigh….we are not use to “I Feel Fat” dress participating in the conversation. She will occasionally say something, so it came as a shock to us when she sighed. Normally she will rather hang quietly thinking about biscuits and everything nice and hide behind the other garments not be noticed. Secretly she wishes that she will be the next one to leave the shop in the little brown paper bag with the dainty little ribbon bows.
Why is it that most women that come into the shop think they are bigger than they really are? Why is it that they always find something wrong with their own bodies? Either their boobs are too big or their thighs are only good enough to kick start Boeings at the airport. We will not even talk about the cellulite or as the little dainty dress with chiffon sleeves call it “hail damaged skin”.
“How can anybody love them if they don’t even love themselves? How will they ever notice me and realize how nice I can make them look”, sighs the “I feel fat dress”.
The giggling skimpy spaghetti strap dresses are too flirty and immature to understand what the “I feel Fat” dress is saying. After all, they are adored by every girl that enters the shop and every day one of them gets a chance of leaving their temporary space on the rail for a permanent space in some lucky girl’s closet.
“I wonder what colour hair my new owner will have” giggles one “Spaghetti strap dress”.
“I hope she is not blond as the yellow shades don’t really compliment blond hair and I don’t want to be seen with a Blondie”
“Yes, yes” giggles a Jade coloured “Spaghetti strap dress”. “I agree, I go better with blonds, and you will look better on somebody like Angelina; dark and mysterious”.
“GMFF”, a sound that resembles somebody that is really disgusted, came from a “Black Bat Sleeve dress”.
“You see yourself on Angelina’s body? Are you for real? Never will she wear anything remotely looking like you? I am an Angelina choice garment”.
“I am black, understated, and clingy at the right places and will not detract from the beauty of the body that is wearing it”.
“I see trouble brewing whispers an African inspired Kaftan to her mate. Some of the other dresses on the rail felt uncomfortable. They are actually a little scared of the “Black Bat Dress” and don’t want to be caught in a fight between little “Spaghetti strap dress” and “Bat Sleeve Dress” – as nobody want to take sides.

 “Queen Bee” sense that trouble is brewing and instinct tells her that she will have to intervene. With a warm voice she says: “Come ladies, we all have a special person that will be wearing us and once we leave the shop we will never see one another ever again.
As with all the garments, we are also special and every one of us, although different, has “somebody” who will fit us perfectly. Love your body and yourself so that somebody else can love you.